About fifty percent more people receive mental health treatment in the US today than twenty years ago. Psychiatric drug use has gradually increased since the 1980’s and the phrase ‘mental health’ has been used to solve problems as diverse as homicides and depression.
While its origins can be traced back to ancient times, modern psychology begins with Sigmund Freud attempting to understand the subconscious with his famous concepts of the id, ego and superego.
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Following him, Jean Piaget created his own stages of human development and discovered the milestone of object permanence among young children. Pavlov began behaviorism with his famous experiments with dogs.
The'“midlife crisis” appeared first in Carl Jung’s theory of archetypes connecting human experience with ideal structures called archetypes present in the myths of cultures all around the world.
With the rise of modern medicine, psychiatric drugs became widely used in the 20th century. Today 1 in 6 Americans use drugs to treat mental disorders ranging from ADD to bipolar disorder. Anti-depressant use has increased, showing some effectiveness among people with severe depression. Other patients may be affected by the “placebo effect” or the belief that something is working when it is not, adding yet another feature to the world of psychology.
As the study of the mind grows, photographers and illustrators are coming up with new ways of representing it with images. Science Source is a worldwide provider of scientific images, offering the latest in science images. For Pavlov’s dogs, Rorschach tests, Campos’ Visual cliff, and many more psychology images, click on the link below.